Saturday, 22 March 2008

The day after

After breakfast ( we all slept in a russian sanatoriuam nearby) we meet in a hall to share our experiences.
Greetings from other elders from around the world were passed on through some videos.
Pete and the mexican woman had to explain what they did and why yesterday, because some people didnt understand their role and what they did and their prayers meant.
Kyrgyz elders passed on their greetings and the most famous Kyrgyz philosopher explained about the symbols of the circle (the sun) and the square ( 4 corners of the world) and the relation to the native mericans and Japanes natives. Long time ago it was just one family, they use the same symbols until today.
Itwas good to hear them speak, I missed it a bit yesterday. It was also asked to share critics, because it was the first ceremony in its kind at this place and it will need improvement. Some people did in a very kind way offereing their knowledge of what they stillremember of their ceremonies.
I send greetings from my parents and thanked for the invitation and shared my experience of he fore liting the night before. I also spoke about Tibet and all the people that are demostrating at the moment. All of those things are a sign for me taht the time is come were we have to stand up and show our selves and not to hide anymore. May this fire purify us, transformus and unite us with our selves, the world and the people around us. May this fire keep burning in our hearts for all the generations of the future to be passed on.
Schutzengel mein
behuet uns fein
Tag und Nacht Frueh und spaet
bis unsere Seele in den Himmel eingeht
Schutzengel mein
behuet uns fein

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